8 Point Lakes Banner
  • Homepage
  • The official website of the
    Eight Point Lake
    Property Owners’ Corporation

    Browse around, bookmark this site, and check back often for updates. We hope you will find this site useful and fun!

    Direct questions or comments to info@8pointlake.org. Questions about rentals — cottages, boats, slips — are common. The Association does not have information about rentals.There is a public launch site for day use, without docking privileges.

    If you have a photo of lake activities to share, submit it in jpg format. See the Photo Gallery page for details.

    Help - Fill in the Gaps

    In our archives we have some gaps in our collection of lake directories. Contact info@8pointlake.org if you can donate
    one or more. Thanks for your help!

    Missing Years:

    1951 1952 1953 1957
    1958 1968 1972 1973
    1978 1980 1981 1983





    Direct questions or comments to info@8pointlake.org